

Documentation for Users

Introduction (PDF)

Software Installation (PDF)

User Documentation (LINK)

Grasshopper Tutorials (ZIP)

Dynamo Tutorials (ZIP) (Forthcoming)

(Old links - will be replaced soon)

Tutorial 1: Getting Started (PDF) (DYN)

Tutorial 2: Creating a Multi-Storey Building (PDF) (DYN)

Tutorial 3: Topological Queries (PDF) (DYN)

Tutorial 4: Analysing Energy Performance (PDF) (DYN A) , (DYN B), (ZIP)

Other Sample Definition Files

CategorizeRevitWalls. A definition and sample Revit file. This definition illustrates how Topologic can be used to correctly assign Revit Wall Types based on whether they are interior or exterior. (ZIP)

DynaClip. A port of the Clipper library to Dynamo. (ZIP)

Bin Packing. These set of custom nodes and example definitions 3D packs items in bins and converts them to Cells. (ZIP)

Angle Between Two Edges. This custom node returns the angle, in degrees, between the two input Edges. (ZIP)

Are Vertices co-planar. This custom node returns True if the input list of Vertices are co-planar within a tolerance, otherwise it returns False. (ZIP)

Wire Cycles. This custom node returns the closed cycles within the input Wire. Because this method can be exponential and is NP Complete, it can be limited by the input maximum number of edges. (ZIP)

Topology By Faces. These two custom nodes return the highest possible order Topology from the input list of Faces. Use TopologyByFaces which internally calls TopologyBF (ZIP)

Vertex Congestion. This custom node returns the congestion values of the input Graph Vertices (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_syntax). A custom definition, and an example workflow are included. (ZIP)

Vertex Control. This custom node returns the control values of the input Graph Vertices (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_syntax). A custom definition, an example workflow, and a research paper explaining the concept are included. (ZIP)

Wire Dual Graph. This custom node creates a Wire or a list of Edges that represent the dual graph of the input Wire. (ZIP)

Depth Map. This custom node creates a depthmap (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_syntax) from an input graph, a set of graph vertices and a a graph origin. (ZIP)

Transfer Dictionaries. This custom node transfers dictionaries from the Cells of the input Cluster to the Cells of the input Topology. The values of the input Key are merged correctly and separated by a comma. (ZIP)

Cell Divide. This custom node divides the input Cell according to the input programme and returns a CellComplex. (ZIP)

Cell Shared Edge Cells. This custom node returns a list of Cells that share and Edge with the input Cell. Dynamo: (DYF). Grasshopper: (ZIP)

Wire Faces. This custom node returns a list of Faces derived from the closed circuits found in the input Wire. (DYF)

Wire Remove Non-manifold Edges. This custom node removes all the non-manifold Edges found in the input Wire. (DYF)

DynaSpace/Topologic. This example workflow illustrates how to integrate DynaSpace and Topologic. (ZIP)

Minimum Spanning Tree. This custom node, based on a found python code, outputs a wire representing the Minimum Spanning Tree of the input graph. (ZIP)

Diversion Workflow. This example workflow diverts a straight line around an obstacle. This experiment diverts a straight line around an arbitrary obstacle (concave or convex polygon). The path always diverts in 90 degree increments. The path avoids the bounding box of the polygon as oriented perpendicular to the path. The path chooses to go left or right based on the shortest path. (DYN)

TestFit2Topologic Workflow. All files needed to illustrate a TestFit to Topologic workflow. This workflow takes as input a TestFit RSD file and outputs a Cluster of Cells categorised by their TestFit type. (ZIP)

CellComplex Utilities. A collection of Dynamo custom nodes to derive specific Faces from a CellComplex. These include: CellComplexBy3DArray.dyf CellComplexExternalFaces.dyf and CellComplexInternalFaces.dyf. A demo definition file (CellComplexTower.dyn) is also included. (ZIP)

Topology Display. This custom node makes it far easier to display any topology with custom colors, transparency and with or without edges. (DYF)

Graph Utilities. A collection of Dynamo custom nodes to compute some Graph metrics. These include: GraphAdjacencyMatrix, GraphIsConnected, GraphIsRegular, GraphIsBipartite. (ZIP)

Graph Shortcuts. This custom node and sample definition illustrate how to create optimized shortest paths through a graph by creating shortcuts around a certain set of vertices with a specified custom dictionary value. (DYN, DYF)

Stanford Bunny. This definition illustrates how to convert a mesh into a Topologic entity. For this definition, you need the MeshToolkit package from the Package Manager and the following Stanford Bunny OBJ file. (OBJ) (DYN)

Optimising Location of Atrium. This definition illustrates how to use Dual Graph and topology to opitmize the number of connected Cells and the remnant exterior wall area of an atrium Cell that is imposed on a CellComplex. This definition is meant to be used with Autodesk's Project Refinery or other optimisation engines. (DYN)

Voroni 3D. This definition illustrates how to slice a Cuboid into a set of Voronoi Cells based on a list of points. (DYN)

Shortest Paths. This definition illustrates how to use the Graph class to find shortest paths in a CellComplex. (DYN)

Shortest Paths By Key. This definition illustrates how to use the Graph class to find shortest paths in a CellComplex by Key. (DYN)

Spread/Growth. This definition and custom node illustrate how to use the Graph class to simulate spread/growth within a CellComplex. (ZIP)

Content and Dictionary. This definition illustrates how to use the Content/Context system and Dictionary to store custom attributes in topologies. (DYN)

Topological Queries. This definition illustrates how to determine attributes based on topologic queries of custom dictionaries. (DYN)

Boolean By Dictionary. This definition illustrates how to perform a Boolean operation based on the Topology type as encoded in its custom dictionary. (DYN)

Video Recordings

  • Webinar: Introduction to Topologic - 25 February 2019 (LINK)

  • The Making of a Twsited Tower (LINK)

  • Topologic Workshop: New Features (11-10-2019) (LINK)

Documentation for Developers

Software Development Kit Documentation (Link).

Frequently Asked Questions